Welcome to Ohio AHEAD! We invite you to join our professional organization, dedicated to providing exceptional resources for members committed to creating an inclusive and accessible higher education experience for individuals with disabilities.
Membership Application
If you’d like to join Ohio AHEAD, please complete a Membership Application.
Benefits of Ohio AHEAD Membership
Join Ohio AHEAD ad stay informed on the latest best practices in higher education disability services across Ohio! As a member, you will receive:
- Access to Ohio AHEAD listserv, where you can ask questions and share expertise.
- Networking opportunities with professionals in the field of accessibility and disability services across the state.
- Discounted registration rates for our annual conferences and professional development events. You must be a member of Ohio AHEAD for the current calendar year to receive the discounted conference rate.
- Eligibility for membership awards (this should be linked to the awards page)
Memberships can be renewed at any time, but are only applicable to the current membership year.
For questions, email our membership co-chairs, Hope Sweeney or Karen Yates at membership@ohioahead.org.
Membership Categories
- Institutional Membership: (4+ professionals at the same institution)
- $100 for up to 4 members.
- $20 for each additional member beyond the first four.
- Individual Memberships (Individual professionals or Vendors) – $40/yr
- Student Membership ( For an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in at least six (6) semester hours) – $15/yr
- Retiree Membership (For retired professionals) – $15/yr
Membership payments can be submitted via check, Paypal/credit card, or as part of the previous year’s conference registration. Payment details (e.g. total due, address for mailing checks) are included on the membership application itself, as well as in the confirmation email you will receive after submitting the application.
Membership Year July 1 – June 30
For membership inquiries, contact Hope Sweeney or Karen Yates at membership@ohioahead.org.
For dues payment questions, contact Dan Darkow at treasurer@ohioahead.org